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Daniel Pell, som er dømt for å ha drept en familiefar, hans kone og to av deres tre barn, har rømt fra et high security-fengsel. Han anses som en farlig psykopat, og derfor har Kathryn Dance fått i oppdrag å spore ham opp før flere liv går tapt. Hun er ekspert på å tyde kroppsspråk og spesialist i avhør av vitner og mistenkte, og er den eneste som har klart å knekke Daniel Pell i et politiavhør. For å finne ham trenger hun hjelp fra den eneste overlevende etter Pells massakre, ei ung jente som har fått kallenavnet "sovedukken".
Omtale fra forlaget
Daniel Pell is a contemporary Charles Manson. A petty criminal with a history of antisocial behavior and obsession with controlling other people, he had a group of women living with him in a quasi cult in central California. Eight years ago, he and another man viciously slaughtered a family for no apparent reason, though the three women in his 'Family' were absolved of any part in the deaths. Now, present day, Pell has escaped and Kathryn Dance, the famed interrogator and kinesic analyst (body language) and her team, must find out where he is and why he's staying near the prison he escaped from. She brings together the three women, now leading normal lives, to help her find out where Pell is and what he's up to. Pell, for his part, and a young woman he has manipulated to help him, tries to outguess the police and fulfill his mission, as he learns that Kathryn Dance is perhaps his most dangerous opponent. This is a typical cat and mouse Deaver novel, in which conflicts abound--finding the killer, as well as reconciling the emotions within Pell's three 'Family' members, which have simmered over the years.The 'Sleeping Doll' refers to the one surviving daughter of the original murder eight years ago--a nickname because she was asleep with her toys and not seen by the killer. Dance has to find her and see what she call her about the night of the killings. Nothing is quite what it seems to be ...
Utgivelsesår 2007
Format Heftet
ISBN13 9780340833858
EAN 9780340833858
Serie Kathryn Dance (1)
Genre Politi og detektiver Krim
Omtalt sted California
Språk Engelsk
Utgave 1
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Midt på treet for meg. God historie, overraskende vending mot slutten, men allikevel en litt tynn slutt.