The body book

feed, move, understand and love your amazing body

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2014 Heftet

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Cameron Diaz shares her formula for becoming happier, healthier, and stronger in this positive, essential guide that is grounded in science and inspired by personal experience.Cameron Diaz has been a role model for millions of women all over the world throughout her career. But, as she'd be the first to admit, she hasn't always been as health-conscious as she is now.As a young woman, Cameron didn't always think about how the decisions she was making about her diet and lifestyle would impact her health for years to come. But over the past fifteen years, she has discovered that what she eats is inseparably linked to how she feels and looks. That knowledge - that nutrition impacts life - fuelled her hunger to educate herself about the best ways to feed, move, and care for her body. In The Body Book, Cameron shares what she's learned and offers a comprehensive guide for women to look and feel their best.Cameron doesn't offer a one-size-fits-all program or set goals to reach in seven days or thirty days or a year; instead, The Body Book offers a long-term approach to a long, strong, healthy life. Informed by experts and grounded in science, but brought to life by Cameron's passion and personal experiences, The Body Book is an empowering, educational, and inspiring handbook for women everywhere.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007522057

EAN 9780007522057

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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