A Russian Journal (Classic, 20th-Century, Penguin)

av (forfatter), Robert Capa (photographer) og Susan Shillinglaw (introduction).

Penguin Classics 1999 Paperback

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Geir Sundets eksemplar av A Russian Journal (Classic, 20th-Century, Penguin)


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Forlag Penguin Classics

Utgivelsesår 1999

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780141180199

Språk Engelsk

Sider 240

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In nothing is the difference between the Americans and the Soviets so marked as in the attitude, not only toward writers, but of writers toward their system. For in the Soviet Union the writer's job is to encourage, to celebrate, to explain, and in any way to carry forward the Soviet system. Whereas in America, and in England, a good writer is a watch-dog of society. His job is to satirize its silliness, to attack its injustices, to stigmatize its faults.

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Her name was Svetlana Litvinova. Her first name was pronounced Sweet Lana, and this name so charmed us that we decided that it should be spread. We tried Sweet General Smith, and Sweet Harry Truman, and Sweet Carrie Chapman Catt, and none of them seemed to work. Finally we hit upon Sweet Joe Newman, and this seemed to be permanent. He is still known as Sweet Joe.

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There was a puzzling yeasty odor in the plane which I could not identify for a long time. But finally I discovered what it was. It is the odor of black rye bread on people's breaths. And after a while, when you eat the bread yourself, you grow used to it, and do not smell it at all.

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