Children's book of art

2014 Innbundet

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An introduction to the world's most amazing artworksFrom Andy Warhol to Jackson Pollock and Michelangelo, introduce your child to the complete picture of art through the ages and across the world. Featuring the finest works by the greatest artists, it's like having the world's best gallery in your own home. From Van Gogh's self portraits to Miro's Carnival of the Harlequin help your child look beyond the paint and canvas to find out how the art was created and why it was made. Plus, children will be inspired to create their own art with fun projects to try themselves.It's an incredible look at the fascinating world of art for the whole family.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781405336598

EAN 9781405336598

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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