From Armageddon to the fall of Rome

how the myth makers changed the world

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Coronet Books 2002 Heftet

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Hilde H Helseths eksemplar av From Armageddon to the fall of Rome - how the myth makers changed the world


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This volume is the history of incredible men, brave and reckless, intelligent and foolish, lucky and ill-fated, engaging their forces in battles that are prime examples of ruse, trickery, chance, stupidity and military brilliance. Warlords invent tactics never used before, and use them to change history decisively. The author looks at 17 of ancient history's most fascinating battles, many of which have been almost forgotten, but which in reality changed both the world and time itself.

Omtale fra forlaget

This volume is the history of incredible men, brave and reckless, intelligent and foolish, lucky and ill-fated, engaging their forces in battles that are prime examples of ruse, trickery, chance, stupidity and military brilliance. Warlords invent tactics never used before, and use them to change history decisively. The author looks at 17 of ancient history's most fascinating battles, many of which have been almost forgotten, but which in reality changed both the world and time itself.


Forlag Coronet Books

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780340821770

EAN 9780340821770

Omtalt tid Oldtiden

Språk Engelsk

Sider 434

Utgave 1

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