The complete gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt

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Thames and Hudson 2003 Innbundet

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Hilde H Helseths eksemplar av The complete gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt


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A comprehensive and authoritative illustrated guide to the deities that lay at the heart of Ancient Egyptian religion and society. It examines the evolution, worship and eventual decline of a huge pantheon, from minor figures such as Bas, Babi, Ba-Pef and Taweret to the all-powerful Osiris, Amun, Hathor, Isis and Re. The author considers the differing manifestations, iconography and cult centres of the deities and their fluctuating popularity. He also examines levels of worship, from the king's formal rituals and festivals to popular access and personal piety. The accompanying photographs and drawings depict tomb paintings, temple reliefs, statues and other iconography.

Omtale fra forlaget

A comprehensive and authoritative illustrated guide to the deities that lay at the heart of Ancient Egyptian religion and society. It examines the evolution, worship and eventual decline of a huge pantheon, from minor figures such as Bas, Babi, Ba-Pef and Taweret to the all-powerful Osiris, Amun, Hathor, Isis and Re. The author considers the differing manifestations, iconography and cult centres of the deities and their fluctuating popularity. He also examines levels of worship, from the king's formal rituals and festivals to popular access and personal piety. The accompanying photographs and drawings depict tomb paintings, temple reliefs, statues and other iconography.


Forlag Thames and Hudson

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780500051207

EAN 9780500051207

Omtalt tid Antikken

Omtalt sted Egypt

Språk Engelsk

Sider 256

Utgave 1

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