The magical worlds of the Lord of the rings

the amazing myths, legends, and facts behind the masterpiece

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Berkley Books 2002 Heftet

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Hilde H Helseths eksemplar av The magical worlds of the Lord of the rings - the amazing myths, legends, and facts behind the masterpiece


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This book reveals the ancient folklore and legends that inspired Tolkien's masterpiece. From the Finnish saga Kalevala and the events in Beowulf to Arthurian mythology, Shakespeare , and even World War II, this indispensable guide provides insights not only into literature's most beloved fantasy but also into the man who brought it to life.

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This book reveals the ancient folklore and legends that inspired Tolkien's masterpiece. From the Finnish saga Kalevala and the events in Beowulf to Arthurian mythology, Shakespeare , and even World War II, this indispensable guide provides insights not only into literature's most beloved fantasy but also into the man who brought it to life.


Forlag Berkley Books

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780425187715

EAN 9780425187715

Språk Engelsk

Sider 197

Utgave 1

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