Fashion design drawing course

principles, practice and techniques

the ultimate guide for the aspiring fashion artist

av (forfatter) og Julian Seaman (forfatter).

Thames and Hudson 2003 Heftet

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Ellen Berg Instefjords eksemplar av Fashion design drawing course - principles, practice and techniques


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A classroom guide and reference for those studying fashion design drawing, this course introduces the fundamentals of fashion illustration, explaining how to convey instantly the the key shapes and moods of a theme.Organized into units that reflect required courses at leading design colleges, it contains 20 step-by-step exercises aiming to assist in finding inspiration, developing techniques of observation, and creating finished fashion drawings both in colour and in black and white. Separate sections are devoted to getting started and understanding figure proportions, planning and designing garments, and creating and assessing flat specification drawings. The book also features cross-references and a glossary of designer's terms.

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A classroom guide and reference for those studying fashion design drawing, this course introduces the fundamentals of fashion illustration, explaining how to convey instantly the the key shapes and moods of a theme.Organized into units that reflect required courses at leading design colleges, it contains 20 step-by-step exercises aiming to assist in finding inspiration, developing techniques of observation, and creating finished fashion drawings both in colour and in black and white. Separate sections are devoted to getting started and understanding figure proportions, planning and designing garments, and creating and assessing flat specification drawings. The book also features cross-references and a glossary of designer's terms.


Forlag Thames and Hudson

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780500284360

EAN 9780500284360

Språk Engelsk

Sider 144

Utgave 1

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