Foundation and empire

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Voyager 1996 Heftet

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The Seldon plan guided the First Foundation safely through two centuries of chaos. But Seldon had no way of predicting the birth of the Mule, a mutant of uncanny power and unlimited ambition, against whom The Foundation is powerless. This is the second volume in the Foundation saga.

Omtale fra forlaget

The Seldon plan guided the First Foundation safely through two centuries of chaos. But Seldon had no way of predicting the birth of the Mule, a mutant of uncanny power and unlimited ambition, against whom The Foundation is powerless. This is the second volume in the Foundation saga.


Forlag Voyager

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780586013557

EAN 9780586013557

Serie Foundation (2)

Genre Science fiction Klassisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Sider 240

Utgave 1

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