Dragon's green

worldquake sequence book 1

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2017 Innbundet

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Catrine Olsen Arnesens eksemplar av Dragon's green - worldquake sequence book 1


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Fantasy, ungdom & science fiction




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Some people think opening a book is a simple thing. It's not. Most people don't realise that you can get truly lost in a book.

You can. Especially you. After the worldquake, magic is seeping into our world Effie Truelove is a new pupil at the Tusitala School for the Gifted, Troubled and Strange, with its twisted grey spires and an English teacher so frightening she gives the class nightmares.

When her beloved grandfather is brutally attacked, Effie promises to look after his magical books. But then shady book-collector Leonard Levar gets his hands on them, Effie has to embark on the most dangerous adventure of her life ...Effie must travel to the mysterious Otherworld, unlock the hidden meaning of an old book called Dragon's Green, and brave the terrifying Diberi, a secret organisation with plans that could destroy the entire universe. But Effie can't face the Diberi alone.

Can her new school-friends Maximilian, Wolf, Lexy and Raven combine their gifts and discover their true powers in time?


Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781782117025

EAN 9781782117025

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Sider 352

Utgave 1

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gleder meg til fortsettelsen :) fantastisk bok <3

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Virkelig original og underholdende fantasy for store barn. Det kreves en trent leser å holde greie på de ulike universene, og det er jo ofte fantasyleserne.

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"Are the books... Are they magic?"
Her grandfather had frowned.
"Child, all books are magic. Just think," he said, "about what books make people do. People go to war on the basis on what they read in books. They believe in "facts" just because they are written down. They decide to adopt political systems, to travel to one place rather than another, to give up their job and go on a great adventure, to love or to hate. All books have tremendous power. And power is magic."

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