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Dette er en leseutfording med Olympisk tema for Juni, Juli og August, med 24 prompts med sportstema knyttet til OL i Paris iår (2024)

The Summer 2024 Prompts are:

1) Set in Paris
2) Flame on the cover
3) Going for Gold

4) 100M SPRINT: A short story collection
5) LONG JUMP: Audiobook is 15+ hours
6) STEEPLECHASE: Character is a spiritual leader

7) BOXING: A strong opening hook
8) WRESTLING: A heavy read
9) FENCING: Dialogue with witty banter! Touche!

10) BALANCE BEAM: About finding balance in life
11) UNEVEN BARS: Series with uneven number of books
12) RINGS: Jewelry on cover

13) SYNCHRONIZED DIVING: A sports romance novel
14) WATER POLO: A book that made a splash
15) BUTTERFLY: Plot featuring “butterfly effect”

16) ROAD CYCLING: Time period without modern transportation
17) TEAM PURSUIT: Featuring a group of friends
18) CROSS-COUNTRY: Related to word “endurance”

19) HANDBALL: Author shares same last name as an Olympian
20) VOLLEYBALL: Set in a country that wins a 2024 Olympic gold in Volleyball
21) FOOTBALL/SOCCER: Double letter word in title

22) At least four Olympic ring colors on cover
23) An author who hasn’t released a book in the past four years
24) Memoir / Biography about an Olympian

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Blix/Ramm-serien : Nullpunkt, Røykteppe, Slagside, Arr, Offer

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Verdt å lese foran USAs presidentvalg 2024
Amerikansk politikk og samfunnsliv virker til tider uforståelig - ikke bare for utlendinger, men også amerikanerne selv. Flommen av bøker som lover oss innsikt synes bare å vokse. Noen av dem innfrir faktisk, men ingen av dem gir etter min mening det fullstendige bildet. I beste fall utfyller bøkene i denne listen hverandre.

Noen av bøkene har sterkt fokus på enkeltpersonen Donald Trump. Som tidligere president skiller han seg så mye fra sine forgjengere at han får ekstra mye oppmerksomhet selv etter bare fire år i embetet. Siden verken amerikanerne eller resten av verden er ferdige med ham, har framstillingene fra årene 2016 til 2020 fortsatt interesse.

Bøkene her tar også for seg brede politiske strømninger og utfordringer som det amerikanske samfunnet står midt oppe i. Norske og andre utenlandske forfattere har bidratt med bøker som gir oversikt. Klikk på den enkelte boka for å få en fyldigere omtale. (Skrevet 28.3.24).

Blant kommentarene nederst på lista har andre bokelskere nevnt bøker som de har funnet nyttige, men som jeg ikke har lest selv.

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Her er bøkene jeg leser for årets leseutfordring hos Sarpsborg bibliotek.

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Nå er det bare en uke igjen av 2023, så nå er det på tide å føre over bøker til 2024 års liste.

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Lest ferdig 14 av 52

  1. Locked-room mystery
  2. Bibliosmia: A smelly book
  3. More than 40 chapters
  4. Lowercase letters on the spine - LEST
  5. Magical realism
  6. Women in STEM
  7. At least four different POVs - LEST
  8. Features the ocean - LEST
  9. A character-driven novel
  10. Told in non-chronological order - LEST
  11. Title starting with the letter “K” - LEST
  12. Title starting with the letter “L”
  13. An academic thriller
  14. A grieving character
  15. Part of a duology
  16. An omniscient narrator
  17. Nominated for The Booker Prize
  18. An apostrophe in the title - LEST
  19. A buddy read
  20. A revenge story
  21. Written by a ghostwriter
  22. A plot similar to another book - LEST
  23. The other book with the similar plot - LEST
  24. A cover without people on it - LEST
  25. An author “everyone” has read except you
  26. Hybrid genre
  27. Be a neurodivergent author
  28. A yellow spine
  29. Published in a Year of the Dragon
  30. Picked without reading the blurb - LEST
  31. Includes a personal phobia - LEST
  32. Time frame spans a week or less
  33. An abrupt ending
  34. Set in a landlocked country
  35. Title matches lyrics from a song
  36. Has futuristic technology
  37. Palindrome on the cover
  38. Published by Hachette
  39. Non-fiction recommended by a friend - LEST
  40. Set during a holiday you don’t celebrate
  41. A sticker on the cover - LEST
  42. Author debut in the second half of 2024
  43. About finding identity
  44. Includes a wedding
  45. Chapter headings have dates - LEST
  46. Featuring Indigenous culture
  47. Self-insert by an author
  48. The word “secret” in the title
  49. Set in a city starting with the letter “M”
  50. A musical instrument on the cover
  51. Related to the word “Wild”
  52. Published in 2024

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Jeg prøver å ligge unna leseutfordringer, men...

2023 Challenge
1. A book with a subtitle
2. Featuring an inheritance
3. Title starting with the letter “G”
4. Title starting with the letter “H”
5. Title starting with the letter “I”
6. Under 200 pages
7. A city or country name in the title
8. Dystopian Fiction
9. A book with a dedication
10. Takes place during the roaring twenties
11. A book about secrets
12. High Fantasy
13. Published posthumously
14. A survival story
15. Set in Australia
16. Featuring one of the “seven deadly sins”
17. By a Caribbean author
18. Set during a war other than WWI or WWII
19. Typographic cover
20. A book about siblings
21. A second-hand book
22. A body-positive message
23. An alliterative title
24. Nordic Noir
25. A fashionable character
26. Has an epilogue
27. Newbery Medal Winner
28. Includes a funeral
29. Sends you down a rabbit hole
30. An author with a same name as you
31. Set in a workplace
32. Published by Macmillan
33. A banned book
34. Featuring mythology
35. A book you meant to read last year
36. Chapters have cliffhangers
37. Written in present tense
38. An enemies-to-lovers plot
39. The final book in a series
40. Written by a comedian
41. A character who is a refugee
42. Time in the title
43. A book “everyone” has read
44. A contemporary setting
45. First word in the book is “The”
46. Script font on the spine
47. Set in the city of Dublin
48. A book by Octavia E. Butler
49. Books on the cover
50. Related to the word “Murder”
51. A book that doesn’t fit any of the other 51 prompts
52. Published in 2023

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Trenger klart en ny liste i år. Er nesten ferdig med bok #72 på liste 2, som er full (100 bøker) og skal hente 6 bøker på biblioteket denne uka.

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