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Featuring characters from the Matt Drake, Alicia Myles and Disavowed series, this is his first 'crossover' event.

In London, Paris and Los Angeles old plague pits are being raided by a deadly new enemy intent on world domination. When the history of the Greek gods and Pandora's Box is added to the mix Matt Drake finds himself embroiled in a brand new, action-packed archaeological mystery.
From Mount Olympus to Washington DC, Drake's wildest adventure yet unfolds as he chases down a new form of bubonic plague, finally culminating in a high-stakes finale in Niagara Falls, where the three greatest military teams alive join forces to take on an army of enemies and prevent the unleashing of an ancient and terrible disease.

The fate of the world hangs in the balance. . .

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Veum faar i oppdrag aa eskortere et TV2 team til et intervju med en korrupsjonsmistenkt entreprenoer. Det faar uante konsekvenser.

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The murder of a research scientist in Georgia sets Lang Reilly on a worldwide chase to uncover secrets that could upset the balance of power in the Middle East—and unleash a weapon more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

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Last Man Standing (Matt Drake 8) picks up where Blood Vengeance left off, with most of the book taking place over a twenty-four hour span. Drake, Mai, Dahl and Alicia find themselves pitted against eight of the deadliest assassins on the planet – forced into an extreme tournament where just one can make it out alive.

Only Matt Drake’s greatest nemesis – Coyote – knows all the rules, and nothing will stop her from destroying everything he loves. Not the destruction of the unwitting town that hosts the tournament, not the demolition in combat of its biggest hotel, not the battle that rages on the edge of town. Amidst the annihilation of the Ninth Division and the emergence of the Pythians as a significant enemy, Drake and the team must fight for their lives against not only their deadliest foe, but an army of mercenaries and each other, to determine who will be. . .
. . .the Last Man Standing.

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Sometimes the weakness we fear most can become our greatest strength . . .

Jack McClure has had a troubled life. His dyslexia always made him feel like an outsider. He escaped from an abusive home as a teenager and lived by his wits on the streets of Washington D.C. It wasn't until he realized that dyslexia gave him the ability to see the world in unique ways that he found success, using this newfound strength to become a top ATF agent.

When a terrible accident takes the life of his only daughter, Emma, and his marriage falls apart, Jack blames himself, numbing the pain by submerging himself in work. Then he receives a call from his old friend Edward Carson. Carson is just weeks from taking the reins as President of the United States when his daughter, Alli, is kidnapped. Because Emma McClure was once Alli's best friend, Carson turns to Jack, the one man he can trust to go to any lengths to find his daughter and bring her home safely.

The search for Alli leads Jack on a road toward reconciliation . . . and into the path of a dangerous and calculating man. Someone whose actions are as cold as they are brilliant. Whose power and reach are seemingly infinite.

Faith, redemption, and political intrigue play off one another as McClure uses his unique abilities to journey into the twisted mind of a stone cold genius who is constantly one step ahead of him. Jack will soon discover that this man has affected his life and his country in more ways than he could ever imagine.

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En kloektig liten novelle av Morris, Bestemor sier klart fra, de var ikke tvillinger. En 5 for denne. Denne omtalen er kun av den falske tvilling

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Tomb of the Lost is an action/adventure novel that spans 2300 years.
Babylon, Persia 323bc.
On a bed a man lays dying. Alexander the great, King, the Lion of Macedon has a mysterious fever. He became king at twenty, dying at thirty three, having conquered the known world. Following his death his General and friend Ptolemy takes the body and inters it into a magnificent tomb in Alexandria, Egypt. The very city Alexander founded.
Two thousand three hundred years later and the leader of Germany Adolf Hitler who is a great collector of antiquities orders the sarcophagus, lost two thousand years before by Julius Caesar's legionaries, to be found and brought to Berlin.
Hitler assigns a team of his Wehrmacht commanded by a General and his Colonel and a team of SS led by a fanatical Major to locate it.
With their mission a success the Germans descend on the port town of Gabes, Tunisia just as the town is about to be over run by the British and as the battle for North Africa reaches its brutal climax the sarcophagus is lost once again leaving only one man alive to tell the tale.
That man is Alfred Dennis.
Nearly seventy years later and marine archaeologist Natalie Feltham and her team with the help of Peter Dennis, a journalist and grandson of Alfred Dennis, make the greatest discovery in modern archaeology.
Now it's a race against time for Natalie and her team as dark powers from Germany's Nazi past try to take what is rightfully hers.

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The Spear of Destiny is an action/adventure novel. The sequel to 'Tomb of the Lost'
These books need to be read in order.

Three months after their failed expedition to recover the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great, marine archaeologist Natalie Feltham and journalist Peter Dennis are at the British museum for the premiere of the Holy lance of Longinus, the fabled 'Spear of Destiny' exhibition.
When the spear, believed to contain magical, mystical healing powers for its bearer, is stolen at gunpoint Peter and Natalie are asked by Interpol to help catch those responsible, believed to be led by the German Count Otto Brest Von Werner.
Once again Natalie and Peter are plunged into a world of adventure and destruction as their quest takes them from London to the streets of Rome and onto Palestine and the supposed final resting place of Jesus Christ.

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"It has served us well, this myth of Christ."
Pope Leo X, 16th Century

In a hail of fire and flashing sword, as the burning city of Acre falls from the hands of the West in 1291, The Last Templar opens with a young Templar knight, his mentor, and a handful of others escaping to the sea carrying a mysterious chest entrusted to them by the Order's dying Grand Master. The ship vanishes without a trace.

In present day Manhattan, four masked horsemen dressed as Templar Knights emerge from Central Park and ride up the Fifth Avenue steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art during the blacktie opening of a Treasures of the Vatican exhibit. Storming through the crowds, the horsemen brutally attack anyone standing between them and their prize. Attending the gala, archaeologist Tess Chaykin watches in silent terror as the leader of the horsemen hones in on one piece in particular, a strange geared device. He utters a few cryptic Latin words as he takes hold of it with reverence before leading the horsemen out and disappearing into the night.

In the aftermath, an FBI investigation is led by anti-terrorist specialist Sean Reilly. Soon, he and Tess are drawn into the dark, hidden history of the crusading Knights, plunging them into a deadly game of cat and mouse with ruthless killers as they race across three continents to recover the lost secret of the Templars.

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The murder of a family friend leads Lang Reilly on a frantic search for answers from ancient caves in Germany to the secret catacombs beneath the Vatican.

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A sweeping adventure that's equal parts romance and thriller, K.T. Tomb's latest novel takes the reader from the ruins of a lost civilization to the sun-drenched beaches of the Mediterranean. While on an archaeological dig in Knossos, Crete—Europe's oldest city—Chyna Stone and the Found History team come across a tantalizing clue to the location of a legendary treasure. The Minoan Mask, if unearthed, would not only solidify the team as world class archaeologists but also complete the most extensive collection of Minoan relics the world has ever seen. But when word of the priceless relic's location reaches the outside world, those with less than honorable intentions join the hunt. Soon, Chyna and her team are caught between the F.B.I. and an international racketeering ring—and on the run for their lives. But Chyna Stone is no ordinary archaeologist—she's an adventurer through and through—and she will do all she can to preserve history and to save the lives of those she cares most about...all while uncovering the true secret of the Minoan Mask.

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It's early April 1945, deep in the bloodied days of World War II. The Nazi regime is being slowly throttled by the oncoming Russian and Allied armies and Hitler rages uselessly in his Berlin bunker. But the high command have one more throw of the dice to make. An audacious plan is hatched to save the Fatherland and beat off the oncoming apocalypse. All it will take is a hodge-podge squadron of escort fighters, a captured U.S. bomber, and one brave but suicidal pilot to fly it over the Atlantic into the beating heart of America. Half a century later, a rusting plane is discovered, sunk with its crew, off the coast of New York—a relic from a bygone age. Chris Roland, a brilliant young photographer, is sent to take photos of this time capsule. But it is only when he discovers that the fragments of Nazi uniforms on the decaying corpses that he realizes that he has come across a secret so terrible that even 50 years later it could still kill him.

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In 1945, a German bomber crash-lands in Iceland during a blizzard. Puzzlingly, there are both German and American officers on board. One of the senior German officers claims that their best chance of survival is to try to walk to the nearest farm. He sets off, a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist, only to disappear into the white vastness…

Flash forward to the present. The U.S. Army is clandestinely trying to remove the wreck of an airplane from an Icelandic glacier. A young Icelander, Elías, inadvertently stumbles upon the excavation and then promptly disappears. But before he vanishes, he manages to contact his sister, Kristín. She embarks on a thrilling and perilous adventure, determined to discover the truth of her brother's fate―and solve the riddle of Operation Napolean.

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Following a nasty break-up, lovelorn college English instructor Wesley Smith can't seem to get his ex-girlfriend's parting shot out of his head: "Why can't you just read off the computer like the rest of us?" Egged on by her question and piqued by a student's suggestion, Wesley places an order for Amazon.com's Kindle eReader. The [pink?] device that arrives in a box stamped with the smile logo – via one-day delivery that he hadn't requested – unlocks a literary world that even the most avid of book lovers could never imagine.

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Terroristene har Amerika i sikte, og spiller uten regler. President James Mitchell trenger en fordel.. Det er der Bill Hiccock sin quarter Ops Group, (QuOG) et topphemmelig team kommer inn. Cluster kjøres ut av Det hvite hus med en oppgave., Slaa tilbake. De ber øverstkommanderende personlig " om a spisse enden av pinnen." Gitt enestående makt, faar disse dedikerte menn og kvinner beskjed om aa utrydde cellene og terrornettverk i inn- og utland, De slippes løs med alle fullmakter, og Amerika's styrker og stoette over hele verden..

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Kort tid etter at eks-spion Lang Reilly søster dør i en eksplosjon i sitt hjem i Paris , etter aa ha kjoept en reproduksjon av et maleri av den 17. århundres artist Poussin som inkluderer en merkelig latinsk inskripsjon. Deretter forsvinner maleriet fra Lang's hjem.
Med politi og mordere på sporet av ham, legger Lang på en reise til Italia for å avdekke maleriets hemmeligheter samt forbindelsen til sin søster, verve hjelp av en tidligere kollega, den tyske drapsmaskinen Gurt Fuchs.

Noen tørre utdrag fra en middelaldersk beretning om Knights of the Templar's historie, antyder at mysteriet er mer kompleks enn Lang kan forestille deg.
Med en internasjonal setting og fartsfylt action, og heldigvis, Loomis sin overbevisende protagonistiske intelligens og emosjonelle dybde til å bære leseren gjennom noen usannsynlige scenarier (for eksempel på et flyplass toalett, der konstruerer Lang en falsk pistol ut av godteri).

Selv om momentumet noen ganger mangler, er hver scene levende nok til å holde leseren engasjert.

Noen kan finne bokens hemmelige samfunn og kunsthistorie tema en bagatell, uoriginal, men andre som ønsker å gjenta The Da Vinci Code setting vil bli fornøyd.

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I denne kritikerroste ubaat thrilleren av Michael DiMercurio, av en erfaren ubaatoffiser og forfatter av Threat Vector og Piranha standplass, tar han leserne bak kulissene i en marine krisesituasjon, -og under overflaten der handlingen skjer. ... En ny selvstendig nasjon har dukket opp i Asia-med et kjernefysisk arsenal. Og dens mektigste geografiske nabo har lansert en preemptive strike mot dem. Resultatet: verdensomspennende voldshandlinger. Når en FN-blokade mot overgriperne blir møtt med undervannsangrep, er Admiral Michael Pacino tvunget til å ta til kamp mot en av verdens sterkeste nasjoner-og ødelegge en av de største ubåtflåtene i verden..

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Book 7 of the Matt Drake series.

In the pivotal novel of the Matt Drake series, everything changes. Matt Drake’s team is torn apart around him. The President of the United States is abducted. America and the world sit before their TV screens, shuddering in disbelief as Washington DC itself comes under attack. The Blood King is back!

The night has never been so dark, the dawn so far out of reach. Who will live and who will die? Mai Kitano’s long-lost parents are being held captive by her old clan in Tokyo. The stakes couldn’t be higher as she fights to save their lives. The SPEAR team struggle on through their own losses, battling through the Capitol’s nightmare streets to save the President until at last they are faced with an army of the Blood King’s men. They mount the battlements of a castle in Death Valley to make a last stand—determined to make the last good fight of their lives truly epic.

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1937, Hitler sent an expedition to Tibet in search of the lost land of Thule. 1941, Heinrich Himmler spent a huge fortune, and sacrificed the lives of hundreds of concentration camp prisoners, to turn Wewelsburg Castle in Germany into a shrine to the SS. Art recovery expert Jamie Saintclair thought he knew his grandfather, but when he stumbles upon the old man's lost diary he's astonished to find that the gentle Anglican clergyman was a decorated hero who had served in the Special Air Service in World War Two. And his grandfather has one more surprise for him. Sewn in to the endpaper of the journal is a strange piece of Nazi symbolism. This simple discovery will launch him on a breathless chase across Europe and deep into Germany's dark past. There are some who will kill to find that which is lost, and although he doesn't know it, Saintclair holds the key to its hiding place.

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A fantastic adventure featuring Chinese gods, horrific demons, bizarre creatures from Asian mythology, and electrifying martial arts action, Hell to Heaven is the second book in Kylie Chan’s second fresh and exciting urban fantasy series. Fans of John Wu and other Hong Kong Kung Fu movie masters will thrill to the latest exploits Emma Donahoe Chen, badass wife of the God of the Northern Heavens, who faces the grim prospect of turning all-demon and vows to fight to the death to regain her imperiled humanity. Hell to Heaven is fresh and ingeniously different urban fantasy that readers of Lilith Saintcrow, Liz Williams, Karen Chance, Devon Monk, and Ilona Andrews will love.

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