The Introvert Advantage (How To Thrive In An Extrovert World)

av (forfatter).

Workman Publishing 2002 Paperback

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.50 (2 terningkast.)

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Forlag Workman Publishing

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780761123699

Språk Engelsk

Sider 330

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Many introverts don't feel as if they know enough about a subject until they know almost everything, and that's the way I approached this project [of writing this book]. This happens for three reasons. First, introverts can imagine the vastness of any subject. Second, they have had the experience of their brain locking, so in an attempt to avoid that awful blank-mind moment, they overprepare by accruing as much information as they can. Third, since they often don't talk about what they are thinking, they receive no feedback to help them gain perspective about how much they already know.

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Even though [the introverts I interviewed for this book] were not selected with any specific career criteria in mind, a surprising number were in what Dr. Elaine Aron calls "advisor class" positions - people who work independently, who wrestle with decisions, who have had to learn how to put themselves in other people's shoes and communicate with people. These workers are creative, imaginative, intelligent, and thoughtful. They are observers.Their work often impacts many people and they have the courage and perspective to say unpopular things. In her book The Highly Sensitive Person, Dr. Aron states that the other class, the warrior class, are the doers of the world. They need counsel from the advisors, and the advisors need warriors to take action and make things happen. Many theorists feel that is why only 25 percent of the population consists of introverted people - fewer introverts are needed.

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