The anxious generation

How the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic og mental illness

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Allen Lane 2024 Innbundet

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Tor Arne Dahls eksemplar av The anxious generation - How the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic og mental illness


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Forlag Allen Lane

Utgivelsesår 2024

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780241647660

Språk Engelsk

Sider 385

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Talking on FaceTime with close friends is good, like an old-fashioned phone call to which a visual channel has been added. In contrast, sitting alone in your bedroom consuming a bottomless feed of other people's content, or playing endless hours of video games with a shifting cast of friends and strangers, or posting your own content and waiting for other kids (or strangers) to like or comment is so far from what children need that these activities should not be considered healthy new forms of adolescent interaction; they are alternatives that consume so much time that they reduce the amount of time teens spend together.

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