Bokhylle Religion

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  • "Jesus Puzzle Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ?" av Earl Doherty
  • "Lost Christianities The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew" av Bart D. Ehrman
  • "Christ Conspiracy The Greatest Story Ever Sold" av Acharya S
  • "Misquoting Jesus The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (Plus)" av Bart D. Ehrman
  • "Buddhism A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)" av Damien Keown
  • "The Da Vinci Fraud Why the Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction" av Robert M. Price
  • "The Gospel Truth The Heresy of History" av Alexander S. Holub
  • "Koranen" av Einar Berg
  • "Bibelen Den heilage skrifta"
  • "Jesusmysteriene var den opprinnelige Jesus en hedensk Gud?" av Timothy Freke
  • "Lost Scriptures Books that Did Not Make It into the New Testament" av Bart D. Ehrman
  • "The End of Faith Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason" av Sam Harris
  • "God is Not Great The Case Against Religion" av Christopher Hitchens