The early history of Rome

books I-V of The history of Rome from its foundations

av (oversetter).

Penguin 2019 Heftet

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Kjartan Holmens eksemplar av The early history of Rome - books I-V of The history of Rome from its foundations


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Livy (c. 59 BC-AD 17) dedicated most of his life to writing some 142 volumes of history, the first five of which comprise The Early History of Rome. With stylistic brilliance, he chronicles nearly 400 years of history, from the founding of Rome (traditionally dated to 757 BC) to the Gallic invasion in 386 BC - an era which witnessed the reign of seven kings, the establishment of the Republic, civil strife and brutal conflict. Bringing compelling characters to life, and re-presenting familiar tales - including the tragedy of Coriolanus and the story of Romulus and Remus - The Early History is a truly epic work, and a passionate warning that Rome should learn from its history.


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780140448092

EAN 9780140448092

Omtalt tid Oldtiden

Omtalt sted Roma

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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