Two heads

where two neuroscientists explore how our brains work with other brains

av (forfatter), Christopher D. Frith (forfatter) og Alex Frith (forfatter).

Bloomsbury 2022 Heftet

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'Charming and addictively accessible' STEVEN PINKER

'Original, authoritative and beautiful' BRIAN COX

'The most wonderful adventure' ROBIN INCE

A brilliantly illustrated journey through the wonders and mysteries of the human brain - from a renowned husband-and-wife team of cognitive neuroscientists.

Professors and husband-and-wife team Uta and Chris Frith have pioneered major studies of brain disorders throughout their nearly fifty-year career. In Two Heads, their distinguished careers serve as a prism through which they share the compelling story of the birth of neuroscience and their paradigm-shifting discoveries across areas as wide-ranging as autism and schizophrenia research, and new frontiers of social cognition including diversity, prejudice, confidence, collaboration and empathy.

Working with their son Alex Frith and artist Daniel Locke, they examine the way that neuroscientific research is now focused on the fact we are a social species, whose brains have evolved to work cooperatively. What happens when people gather in groups? How do people behave when they're in pairs - either pitted against each other or working together? Is it better to surround yourself with people who are similar to yourself, or different? And, are two heads really better than one?

Highly original and ingeniously illustrated, Two Heads provides an expansive understanding of how our brains work, and how they work together.


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781526601551

EAN 9781526601551

Språk Engelsk

Sider 345

Utgave 1

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