Still thinking of you

av (forfatter).

Penguin 2004 Heftet

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Tash and Rich are newly engaged and wild about each other. They can't wait to celebrate their wedding with their closest friends, all of whom have known each other since university, where they enjoyed a hedonistic whirl of parties, popularity, sex and success. But is fun really as easy-come-easy-go in your thirties as it was in your twenties? How do relationships change once you leave college and have to cope with real life? And what if the love of that life were to reappear now? As old, long-buried passions are reawakened, the group realize that a lot can change in twenty years. And a lot can happen in seven days.

Omtale fra forlaget

Tash and Rich are newly engaged and wild about each other. They can't wait to celebrate their wedding with their closest friends, all of whom have known each other since university, where they enjoyed a hedonistic whirl of parties, popularity, sex and success. But is fun really as easy-come-easy-go in your thirties as it was in your twenties? How do relationships change once you leave college and have to cope with real life? And what if the love of that life were to reappear now? As old, long-buried passions are reawakened, the group realize that a lot can change in twenty years. And a lot can happen in seven days.


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141018041

EAN 9780141018041

Omtalt sted England

Språk Engelsk

Sider 563

Utgave 1

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