Crafting relationships with nature through creative practices

av (redaktør) og Per Ingvar Haukeland (redaktør).

Scandinavian University Press 2023 Heftet

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This book is about crafting in a more-than-human world. The volume discusses performative and aesthetic forms of learning, arguing that learning, and the negotiation of meaning, is a multisensorial and multi-species processes. Many of the chapters are creative and artistic, and framed in a poetic language. The poems and images not only contribute to a pleasant reading experience, but they play essential roles in communicating how to craft relationships with nature through creative practices.The chapters explore the roles of nature, materiality, space, improvisation, playfulness, and artistic practices in research and teaching. They showa variety of co-crafting processes that emergethrough more-than-human dialogues.
The contributors of the book come from different research disciplines, from architecture, ecophilosophy, outdoor life studies, and craft education; to art, creative writing, poetry, and the performing arts. They all seek to overcome narrow anthropocentric approaches to the arts, arts education and education in general, and propose possible paths to a pedagogy of care and responsibility. They exemplify an eco(multi)centric approach to creative practicesand invite readers to participate in a future of becoming together in a the more-than-human world.


Forlag Scandinavian University Press

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788215069203

EAN 9788215069203

Språk Engelsk

Sider 220

Utgave 1

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