Taschen 4 cities

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Taschen 2011 Heftet

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This is TASCHEN's Paris, New York, London, and Berlin travel guide box set. Following the smashing success of our city travel guide series, TASCHEN brings you the entire collection in a box set of 12 volumes. Each city - Paris, New York, London, and Berlin-is covered in three separate volumes for hotels, restaurants, and shops. These guides are just as stylish as the originals, now easier to slip in your pocket while you explore! Highlights: London: Number Sixteen, a chic South Kensington hotel in a beautiful Victorian townhouse with romantic gardens, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant and social project, Fifteen, where teenagers cook the meals, and Dover Street Market, the multi-floor concept store founded in 2004 by Comme des Garcons. New York: the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel, the Waverly Inn, "Vanity Fair" editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati, and where to buy New York's best cheesecake. Paris: Laduree, the best macaroons in the city, the ultra-luxurious Ritz hotel on elegant Place Vendome, and Colette fashion concept store. Berlin: hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance, oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany), and experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products".


Forlag Taschen

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9783836531795

EAN 9783836531795

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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