Scandinavian flint

an archaeological perspective

av (forfatter), Deborah Olausson (forfatter) og Merja Vazques Diaz (illustratør).

Aarhus University Press 2007 Heftet

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This book presents a classification system for Scandinavian flint for use by archeologists. Flint types are described and evaluated in term of knappability, limitations posed by nodule size and prehistoric availability. Flint formation, geographic distribution of flint sources, provenience studies and patination are discussed in detail. With bibliography.

Omtale fra forlaget

In Scandinavia as elsewhere, cryptocrystalline rocks such as flint were an integral part of peoples' lives during prehistory. Knowledge about flint, its properties, its uses, and its many names, was no doubt transmitted through the generations as part of everyday life. As archaeologists, we are interested in how prehistoric people dealt with flint and what they might have seen as the strengths and weaknesses of the various kinds of flint available. But in order to answer such questions it is necessary that we are able to talk to each other about flint in an informed and informative manner. Scandinavian Flint proposes a classification into 17 types for use by archaeologists. Flint types are described and evaluated in terms of knappability, limitations posed by nodule size, and prehistoric availability, rather than in terms of morphogenesis or chemical composition. Flint formation, geographic distribution of flint sources in Scandinavia, provenience studies, and patination are discussed in detail. Scandinavian Flint is a useful guide for archaeologists working with flint. Scandinavian Flint proposes a classification for flint types in Scandinavia for use by archaeologists. Types are described and evaluated from a user's perspective, looking at qualities such as knappability and prehistoric availability rather than morphogenesis or chemical composition. Flint formation, geographic distribution of flint sources in Scandinavia, provenience studies, and patination are discussed.


Forlag Aarhus University Press

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788779342781

EAN 9788779342781

Omtalt sted Norden

Språk Engelsk

Sider 158

Utgave 1

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