My man in Manilla

and another man

men and my man

av (forfatter).

Kolofon 2020 E-bok

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«Documents are as they were written when written. Their authenticity is crucial for my story. Real time. The documents have dates. Dates are important. I want the reader to meet me in the moments I am writing. To meet me while I write, when I write.

Don't ask me why I write. I do not ask you why you read. To me writing is like eating. You have to eat. Words come to me day and night, and if my mind is not set in full concentration on some activities, words come and overload me. Like running water from a well. I have many times tried to avoid the joy and burden of words.

Through the documents the story appears. I cannot know or foresee what happens. I am a writer and I am an actor. But I am not the only actor. There are two actors, me and another actor. The other actor may not be alone, but he appears as one actor.

What happens could never happened before the technology we now have.»

«I can sit in my own rooms and be in touch with a man on the other side of the world. Through my words and his words.

I travel. I explore. I search for words. I search for magic moments of understanding, as I never would expect magic moments through words and the tone of the voice.

The reader can read the documents in the order they appear in this book. The reader can begin with .My story". Texts will differ according to the knowledge you have about the writer. Interpretations and associations. You as a reader can read .My story" after you have read all the documents. You can go back and forth in the texts. There are different books in the book.

The texts carry hidden questions: What is love? How does love come? How does it leave? How does love appear, and how does it disappear?

How does the wish to be loved, to be unique and irreplaceable, how does the wish play a role in what I do, and what happens? The need, the desire and my wish. My wish is my need and my desire.

«The way I live, the freedom I want. To be independent in dependency. My form


Forlag Kolofon

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format E-bok

ISBN13 9788230020623

EAN 9788230020623

Genre Biografisk litteratur

Omtalt person Ammophila Arenaria

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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