Nei, dette er bare en fantasiroman. Amor Towles har lenge vært en beundrer av russisk musikk, litteratur og historie, og ved å legge boken til det gamle, ærverdige Hotel Metropol, kunne han få en bakgrunn som han var godt kjent med. Han kan blande historie inn med sin fortelling, beskrive de korrekte antrekk, de beste viner og de populære kakene fra Moskvas beste konditori. En liten smakebit fra Bok Tre:
For most of us, the late 1920's were not characterized by a series of momentous events. Rather, the passage of those years was like the turn of a kaleidoscope.
At the bottom of a kaleidoscope's cylinder lie shards of colored glass in random arrangement; but thanks to a glint of sunlight, the interplay of mirrors, and the magic of symmetry, when one peers inside what one finds is a pattern so colorful, so perfectly intricate, it seems certain to have been designed with the utmost care, Then by the slightest turn of the wrist, the shards begin to shift and settle into a new configuration - a configuration with its own symmetry of shapes, its own intricacy of colors, its own hints of design.
So it was in the city of Moscow in the late 1920's.
And so it was at the Metropol Hotel.
Bedre kan det ikke sies. Grev Rostovs daglige liv var symmetrisk, nøyaktig formet, helt til en ny person kom inn i hans liv og skapte en ny konfigurasjon med nye former og nye farger.
God fornøyelse.

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