Collected prose

autobiographical writings, true stories, critical essays, prefaces and collaborations with artists

av (forfatter).

2010 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.33 (3 terningkast.)

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Anne Maries eksemplar av Collected prose - autobiographical writings, true stories, critical essays, prefaces and collaborations with artists


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This is a personal collection of essays, prefaces and occasional pieces written for magazines and newspapers. Ranging in subject from Walter Raleigh to Kafka; Hawthorne to high-wire artist Philippe Petit; conceptual artist Sophie Calle to his own typewriter; and The World Trade Center catastrophe to his beloved New York City itself, Auster displays his customary flair, wit and insight.

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This is a personal collection of essays, prefaces and occasional pieces written for magazines and newspapers. Ranging in subject from Walter Raleigh to Kafka; Hawthorne to high-wire artist Philippe Petit; conceptual artist Sophie Calle to his own typewriter; and The World Trade Center catastrophe to his beloved New York City itself, Auster displays his customary flair, wit and insight.


Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780312429928

EAN 9780312429928

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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This is a painter who paints in the same way that he breathes. He has never sought merely to create beautiful objects, but rather, in the act of painting, to make life possible for himself.(...) His is an art of both knowledge and innocence, and the perpetual freshness of his work derives from the fact that painting is not something that he does and then divorces from himself, but a necessary struggle to gain hold of his own life and place himself in the world. (Northern Lights - The paintings of Jean-Paul Riopelle)

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For only in the modern city can the one who sees remain unseen, take his stand in space and yet remain transparent.

(Reznikoff x2)

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