The Fairy Godmother
A Tale of the Five Hundred (Five Hundred Kingdoms)
av Mercedes Lackey
(ISBN-13: 9780373802456)
Mass Market Paperback
The cage of nine banestones
volume three of The pearl saga
av Eric Lustbader
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Sympathy for the Devil
av Holly Lisle
(ISBN-13: 9780671877033)
Diplomacy of Wolves (Secret Texts)
av Holly Lisle
(ISBN-13: 9780446607469)
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The Skeptical Environmentalist
av Bjørn Lomborg
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The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia)
av C.S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia)
av C.S. Lewis
The Buried Pyramid (Tor Fantasy)
av Jane M. Lindskold
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The Last Herald-mage
Magic's Pawn v. 1 (Roc)
av Mercedes Lackey
Memory of Fire
Book One of the World Gates
av Holly Lisle
Mass Market Paperback