At peace at home

harmonious designs for simple living

av (forfatter).

Duncan Baird publ. 2003 Innbundet

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In this book takes the author's guiding principles of harmony, simplicity and unity, and brings them alive for us in our gardens and in every room of our homes. This book shows how an unpretentious style that reflects our individual needs and desire can provide the basis for a simple, easeful environment in which to live at peace. Pegrum offers a variety of practical and enlightening advice such topics as space, colour, texture, light, contrast, materials, objects and surfaces, the use of paradox and surprise, and the relationship between design and function.

Omtale fra forlaget

In this book takes the author's guiding principles of harmony, simplicity and unity, and brings them alive for us in our gardens and in every room of our homes. This book shows how an unpretentious style that reflects our individual needs and desire can provide the basis for a simple, easeful environment in which to live at peace. Pegrum offers a variety of practical and enlightening advice such topics as space, colour, texture, light, contrast, materials, objects and surfaces, the use of paradox and surprise, and the relationship between design and function.


Forlag Duncan Baird publ.

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781904292142

EAN 9781904292142

Språk Engelsk

Sider 176

Utgave 1

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