Mission economy
a moonshot guide to changing capitalism
av Mariana Mazzucato
(ISBN-13: 9780141991689)
A NEW EARTH by Eckhart Tolle
av Eckhart Tolle
Kindle Edition
Annie on My Mind
av Nancy Garden
(ISBN-13: 9780374400118)
In Defense of Food
An Eater's Manifesto
av Michael Pollan
(ISBN-13: 9781594201455)
The Wise Man's Fear
The Kingkiller Chronicle
av Patrick Rothfuss
(ISBN-13: 9780756407919)
Mass Market Paperback
A hunter-gatherers guide to the 21st century
Evolution and the challenges of modern life
av Heather Heying
Giving every day meaning and joy
av Yukari Mitsuhashi
The blue zones, Second edition
9 lessons for living longer from the people who've lived the longest
av Dan Buettner
Four thousand weeks
Embrace your limits. Change your life.
av Oliver Burkeman
Four thousand weeks
Embrace your limits. Change your life.
av Oliver Burkeman
How to be yourself
Quiet your inner critic and rise above social anxiety
av Ellen Hendriksen
(ISBN-13: 9781250161703)
Your Money or Your Life
9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence
av Joe Dominguez
(ISBN-13: 9780143115762)
Slik blir du rik!
håndbok i økonomisk frihet
av Anne Linn Kumano-Ensby
(ISBN-13: 9788243014084)
The Power of Now
A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
av Eckhart Tolle
(ISBN-13: 9781577314806)
The afrominimalist's guide to living with less
av Christine Platt
(ISBN-13: 9781982168049)
The power
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(ISBN-13: 9780670919963)
En ny økonomi
hvordan månelandingen inspirerer til å endre kapitalismen
av Mariana Mazzucato
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The last graduate
a novel
av Naomi Novik
(ISBN-13: 9780593357286)
Man's Search for Meaning
av Viktor E. Frankl
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The name of the wind
av Patrick Rothfuss
(ISBN-13: 9780575081383)