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My father told me: "Anger is a luxury we cannot afford."

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We need to challenge the occupation and call it as it is: "a sin against God and humanity."

  • The Kairos Palestine Document. Section 4.3.
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Let me repeat, hope is what we do today.

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In our case, you either support Israel, or you are an anti-Semite (an accusation always thrown at us Palestinians and those who support our cause)!

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After more than seventy years of being displaced and twelve years of blockade, the tragedy in Gaza----the largest open-air prison in the world----which seems to have no end, has been created. God weeps over Gaza. God mourns the continuation of the Palestinian Nakba.

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It is crucial here to emphasize that it is wrong to equate criticism of the state of Israel and Zionism with anti-Semitism. It is becoming very difficult today to have an objective conversation about the occupation and even settlements, out of fear of being labeled anti-Semite.

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The massacre of between eighty and one hundred villagers was carried out at the end of October 1948, not in the heat of the battle but after the Israeli army had clearly emerged victorious in the war.

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"Og sorgen - den var som en flokk fugler, utrolig mange av dem, som tok til vingene uten å ha noe sted å fly hen."

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This book is my invitation for you to step into the other side of the wall and listen to our stories and perspective.

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A poem is a life, and a life is a poem that calls us inward. What a poem becomes in our innermost spaces is a land that cannot be owned, though it can be cared for, tended to, and loved.

  • Aja Monet, foreword.
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In 2009, I saw her rally her body against heavily armed and American-accented settlers and Police in our yard, as they claimed our land as theirs by divine decree. As if God were a real estate agent.

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Alt skal bombes, tenker jeg. All infrastruktur skal ødelegges. Dette handler ikke om å bruke proporsjonale militære midler for å nedkjempe en militær motstander. Det er selve det palestinske samfunnet, infrastrukturen, spor av statsdannelse, som skal ødelegges.

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Den dagen jeg mister faren min, finner noen deg igjen. Livet gir og tar på samme tid. Men jeg vet ikke hva det gir. Det er visst ofte slik det skjer.

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We deserve to imagine a world without prisons and punishment, a world where they are not needed, a world rooted in mutuality. We deserve at least to aim for that.

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Den israelske hærens krigføring, beleiring og utenomrettslige henrettelser blir aldri gransket av utenforstående og uavhengige institusjoner eller internasjonale rettsinstanser. Selv de groveste overgrep mot den palestinske sivilbefolkningen passerer uten konsekvenser.

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Truth-telling projects must be part of the solution in historic Palestine.

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Remembrance should be an act of hope, liberation and decolonisation.

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Følelsen av hjelpeløshet i møtet med systematisk, kynisk planlagt og gjentatt ødeleggelse av barns liv og levekår, gjør meg forferdelig opprørt. At det er organisert av en stat som kaller seg "det eneste demokratiet i Midtøsten" og beskylder andre for terrorisme, gjør det ikke mindre provoserende.

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Staten Israel vil knekke motstandsviljen i det palestinske folket for så å kunne fordrive dem.
Derfor er sivilbefolkningen målet.

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